Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The stupid things we do

If you needed a little bit of humour to brighten your day... Well, I suppose you'll enjoy this.

We ALL do stupid things sometimes. I'm sure you've had those instances where you look back and think, "WHY in the world did I do that?? What was I thinking?" It's so easy to make a spur of the moment decision and find yourself stuck soon after that.

So anyway, a week or so ago, my sister and I were talking about our dog. And her kennel.... And before I knew it Kate was announcing that there was no way I could fit in that silly cage, no matter what I did. Well... I'm sure you can probably guess the rest.

Let's just say, that my sister, being the good sister that she is, decided that it would be a good idea to lock me in there for a while. (Of course Wyatt wanted to ship me off to the National Zoo in hopes of some extra spending money, so it's all relative, right?) And then, to entertain herself further, took pictures so she'd have proof. (And who would have guessed, so that I'd have a blog post!)

And as I sat there, feeling slightly cramped (only SLIGHTLY mind you) I started thinking about spiritual applications to this. I mean, might as well, I didn't have anything else to do except pose for the camera (which obviously wasn't exactly possible considering my, em, unique circumstances.)

There are SO many things in life, that we know we probably really shouldn't do. But it doesn't seem like it's going to really make a difference whether we do them or not, so of course, against our better judgement (or lack thereof) we do them. And before we know it... we find ourselves, em, stuck, or perhaps locked in the situation. And not only are we stuck, but we aren't very comfortable either. Then of course we start regretting our bad decision but time cannot be erased now can it? And even when we do get ourselves out of the situation, there will forever be some sort of mark made on our memory.

So, the next time you are debating on doing something slightly stupid... Remember me in the dog cage. ;) (Actually, I will say this little analogy has helped me from doing things much stupider than climbing in a dog kennel)

I suppose it's only fair to show you a picture since you already know the story. =P

Thanks for loving me despite my stupidity!

Caroline Ann


Anonymous said...

I love you, Care :P Always. Despite your stupidity (or lack of it) ;)


The Thomas Troops said...
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Anonymous said...

Behind bars, where you belong! haha, JUST KIDDING!! haha, don't worry care you're not the only one that has tried to fit yourself into a small space. . .and gotten somehow stuck. lol. let's just say I'm not as little as when I was like seven. . . or maybe the cabinet just shrunk. . .haha ;) oh, I'll always love you Care <3.

"I, Kat,take you Care, to be my best friend to cry with and to laugh with from this day forward, for better or for worse, on the same landmass or NOT, in stupidity and in smartness (for lack of a better word lol)to love and to cherish; until death do us part."

Hee hee, you like?