Sunday, September 19, 2010
Wyatt Will Do It
And if you can't tell, it's says: "Wash me! (Wyatt)"
What I didn't find out until later on was that the result actually was that Wyatt had to wash the car. (Haha, if I thought this would work every time, I'd write all my instructions to him on there...).
Which is kind of funny. I really hadn't meant it that way, I just wanted the picture.
However, it got me to thinking, and Wyatt really will do things like that. He is such a hard worker when he chooses to be. If something really needs to be done, Wyatt is your man. Speaking of men, He's going to be fifeteen today. Which as an older sister is a bit of a strange thought. But when you have a brother who works hard to act like a fifeteen year old, be mature like one, and love Jesus, it makes it believable.
I think you are such a hard worker Wyatt, and I'm really proud to be your sister. Happy Birthday!!
Caroline Ann
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Beautiful Days
The beautiful days we've been having this week are fog filled with a bit of rain in between. But I think it's beautiful. :) Especially when you stop and look at all the little things around you!
I loved the water slowly dropping off the berries on our tree. And the tiny reflections you could see in the droplets.
Water laced onto spider webs looks pretty amazing as well. It ends up showing the intricate detail of spider webs that are harder to notice otherwise.
I think all of it though points back to one thing--a creative designer.
And I sure am grateful to know Him. :)
Caroline Ann
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Never Boring
We're all rather interesting people and even one of us could probably keep a boring family on their toes. Wyatt especially adds laughs into our lives though.
Today after looking out to the street, and seeing my brothers, I thought I'd take a picture, and let you see a fine example of our creativity and "unboringness". =P
That's a bike, a jumprope, an old toy car... And Wyatt and Jefferson.
Caroline Ann
Time Does Fly--But I won't forget!
After being here a month--I LOVE IT!! Alaska has been such a HUGGGE blessing.
God really did know what He was doing when he moved us here. =P
There have been so many wonderful things we've enjoyed. Both physically and spiritually.
For me... I've never felt so completed by Jesus. And He completes me in a way nothing else can. It's amazing to say the least.
Anyway, 'lil update there, but I just wanted to assure any blog readers, that I haven't forgotten my promise to blog...
Hehe I have a really good post coming soon this week, so look for it. :)
In the mean time, have you ever tasted raspberries straight from the bush? I hadn't until coming here. I'd had blackberries and blue berries, but not raspberries. And let me just say--they are amazing! The Smith's neighbors have a huge bush in their yard, and they've let us pick from it. :D
Hehe. :) Yummy huh?
Caroline Ann
"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:31-34
Friday, August 20, 2010
We Don't Stop
So when moving to Alaska, I imagined we'd stop. Take a break. You could say we took a break, if you want to count unpacking three shipments of our stuff while my dad was working. But all done. :) We're busy again. =P
A couple pictures from yesterday:
The weather was beautiful, so I spent a bit taking pictures in our yard. This is one of my favorites. :)
Then I headed over to a ropes course to take pictures of our friends the Smiths.
Doesn't Rachael look like superwoman or something in this one? :D
Lily didn't do the ropes course, but she still got her picture taken. :)
Then we had icecream--no pictures, I was occupied. =P
And then off we went to support Governor Parnell. :)
We never stop, but I think I like it that way. Especially when I bring the camera along. (Thanks mom for all the fun things you let us do!)
Caroline Ann
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ripples in the Water
I thought about it for two days, and then it came to me:
So if you have completely still water, and you touch it, it makes ripples. And ripples have a tendency to expand and grow bigger. And reach a much bigger amount of water than you ever could have touched with your finger.
And I think sometimes things aren't the greatest in life, and they're just sitting there, doing nothing. But when you try, make an effort, do something about it, what you did can have a bigger impact than ever imagined. Especially when you're doing something God has called you too.
I'm still praying about what God wants for me here, I don't completely know yet. But I do know, whatever it is, He wants me to make a difference--be the ripples in the water.
They start out small, but they sure can get big. (Especially when God is using you as His finger)
Caroline Ann
"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:1-2
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Little Girls
In the past couple months I've seen my sweet sister go from a little girl to more of a big girl. And in those couple of months Kate and I have gone from sisters, to sister-friends. :) We're sisters (besides the genetic thing) 'cause we don't always get a long, and it's not ALWAYS fun to live together, but we're also friends. And we have a lot of fun together! It's also fun because we've started to share friends.
Yesterday I took pictures of Kate and her friends (which are also my friends) Lily and Carly.
And taking them made me think of being a little girl, and growing up. :) Little girls (at least the ones that really are little girls, not little girls trying to grow up too fast) embrace and enjoy the little things in life a lot more than a lot of the world Things like twirling around in a dress. :) (I know I've passed hours of my life this way). And using the creative minds God gave them to play, and practice for life.
(Two of my personal favorite games were children in the wilderness and baby dolls.)
And yet as little girls grow up, they don't just enjoy playing together, but being together. And talking together, and hopefully learning to fellowship and encourage each other spiritually.
And I enjoy watching them, and being a part of it. :)
And since I've mentioned my amazing not-so-little sister... Isn't she beautiful?
Caroline Ann
"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I got Nothin'
I'm done making promises to blog. Because I know, and I'm sure you know, I'm not always capable of keeping them. But I am going to try to blog here. Really. I really mean it this time. But yet, I don't make promises. ;)
Another thing I have been inconsistent at unfortunately, is reading my bible. Amidst the craziness of life in London, it often was forgotten and pushed aside. :\ Which was obviously a very bad idea on my part, as the days I DID have my bible times, were often the best days I had while I was there. It makes me wonder what blessings I may have missed. =\
So, I resolved to read through the old testament in the next couple of months. Just a chapter a day, so that I could really study it. Journaling on what I learned throughout. So this is part of my entry for yesterday: (Heh, I share it with no pride, but only to share an honest picture of my heart.)
August 10, 2010
I'm ashamed at already being so inconsistent in studying God's word. The past three days have been hard ones for me, and instead of going to Jesus for help, I avoided Him. Until I'd done and said things that needed forgiveness.
Today I prayed with Him for a long time though, and probably will more as I go to sleep. And I so want to honor Him. I so want to let nothing separate us. I so want to do His will.
Lord. HELP me! I fall so short. And I need your strength. 'Cause I got nothin'.
I don't think I begin to understand what you've done for me, and the extent of how you love me. Please SHOW me, let my eyes see and my heart understand who you are, and how to fear you.
I think that is the key to so many things in my life. If I really feared you, I would obey, honor, trust and love you implicitly. And yet I don't, because on my own, my sinful heart I don't think has that capacity.
Help my heart God. Please make it like yours. There are so many things to want to do in life, things I know you want me to do. But I got nothin'. Give me something Lord. To offer the world, and most importantly to offer you.
THEN, after writing that, I read my bible. Matthew 5. And there are so many wonderful things in that chapter. But just a couple lines blew my mind away. I'd read them before, and at times they'd had a similar effect, but the timing was so perfect. So God.
So: Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." I wrote in my journal, "sort of an answer to prayer. Despite my unrighteousness, God can make me righteous and He wants to! He can fill me."
I have that desire, that thirst (though at times spiritually I'm probably more like a starving, dehydrated delusional person in the dessert. But I'm by an oasis. And yet I'm too proud to refresh myself. (I'm not always very bright... I look back on different times and think... "I was DUMB") )but anyway, I have that thirst, and I am so unrighteous, but God wants and can change me. That's encouraging.
Two verses later:
Matthew 5:8: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." after reading that I wrote, "That's pretty powerful. They will SEE God. Have a deep relationship with Him, communicate with Him. I don't really know what it is to be pure in heart, but that can be a life long goal, which I know God has the power to help me achieve." So, I am now striving to be pure in heart. I can really only imagine what that truly looks like, but I know I want it.
And lastly:
Matthew 5:48: "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly father is perfect." And Wow. Just to end the chapter like that. In my mind I put them all together last night (for me, maybe not for anyone else) like this:
1.He will fill me if I seek Him. 2. Through seeking, running after Him, He can make me pure in heart and I can SEE Him. 3. Be perfect. He's given us His Son, His spirit, His word. He can give us His strength to run after Him. There are no excuses. Be perfect.
And on my own, I got nothin', I'm just a broken vessel. But it's the treasure in me that is something.
Caroline Ann
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." --2 Corinthians 4:7
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lack of Internet, Lack of Interest
Also, also we have done some neat things, and made some neat friends, we haven't generally done a lot.
Let me give you an example of what our typical day has been in the past few weeks:
Get up.
Sit around.
Do school.
Sit around some more.
Eat dinner.
Stare at each other.
Go to bed.
HOWEVER, this is all coming to an end, and we are starting to get involved in my dads school and venture out on field trips. :) This past week we went and had tea with the other families from the school, and were given a welcome presentation and overview of the year by a British Admiral. The next day we went on a field trip to the British National Museum with an Australian family we had met the previous day...
So, our typical days are getting less and less typical again. Which, is typical for our family. =P
Anyway, things have started happening, so I am going to start blogging again... I actually have some really neat pictures from our walk to church last Sunday that I will post relatively soon.
Living in London is going to be good though. :)
Caroline Ann
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Camden Market
Today, after staying mostly inside all week, our family spent a lovely day at Camden Market.
I had planned on taking lots of pictures--there were many fascinating subjects to be photographed. However, I ended up carrying my coat the majority of the day, as the weather was beautiful, but warmer than I had dressed for. I have all the pictures I wanted to take clearly stamped in my memory though, so hopefully next time I'll be able to go back and capture a few of them. :)
I think you can find just about any type of person at the Camden Market. From men with purple Mohawks and pants dripping in chains, to sweet Chinese women serving up large servings of rice noodles and chicken. (Which I must say, was quite excellent.) I was laughing at the Tex-Mex stand (it did literally say that) right by the Chinese food. And then you had Italian food, and Japanese food, and German food, and--well, you get the point.
For any of those who will be visiting us, or visiting London in general, the Camden Market is a must! I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. There is so much to look at, and so much to browse through (and possibly purchase). There are more clothing shops than one can possibly even glance at in one day (including one called the Punky Fish... haha, I got a kick out of that), and then bunches of old antiques waiting to be rediscovered. :) Haha, I sound like I'm advertising, but it really was wonderful.
And as far as purchases go, I bought a beautiful leather journal... It has 240 pages, which I think will be quite perfect for journaling whilst in London. I've titled it, "Living in London", and I can hardly wait to start filling it's pages. (And Nana, if you happen to read it, all of the journals didn't have lines!)
I could go on, but I think you'll just have to come see it for yourself!
Happy second day of the year! :)
Caroline Ann
By the way, part of Camden Market, is Camden Horse Market. Not that there are really horses--besides the one that Jefferson stuck his head into anyway. ;)