I got my braces off today though! Yay! It's very surreal to think about two years having already passed by. Times really does fly, and it takes you with it. It seriously does seem like yesterday I was sucking on mashed potatoes for thanksgiving! (I got my braces right before... which turned out to be really bad timing.) And now here I am, living in Hawaii, with my braces off. It's pretty crazy.
God was good, it was quite a painful and uncomfortable process... unlike what everyone else told me, but oh well. The orthodontist gave me a bottle of sparkling cider after the whole ordeal. (Instead of candy.) Of course my siblings wanted to drink it all as soon as I stepped in the door, but I'm saving it and it's currently stashed safely away in the refrigerator. (Last time I checked anyway.) Lol, he also gave me pretty balloons. =) Of course one out of three survived the first two hours of me being home. But so is life with the Thomas troops.
The appointment with the dentist went really well too. (for the two peg teeth I have that need verniers put on them.) Although the dentists social awareness around teenage girls was about five... lol, no, I take that back, two. Let me give you a short version of the appointment (I will include all interesting parts anyway, I will say that in general he was ok, and I think he'll do a good job.)
"Wow! You have really, REALLY, little teeth, I'm so sorry. Don't worry, it'll be ok as time goes on..."
"Well, I actually have always loved my teeth being small, it's sorta unique! Though I do know they are tiny."
"So you want verniers put on so your teeth don't look ugly?"
"Um, yes sir..." (Wow buddy, you better be glad I'm not feeling emotional.)
"Yes, I will make you beautiful!"
"Ook." (You do that...)
"Of course you do have a "gummy" smile, but time should fix that..."
"Mmmm, ok sir."
"You know, we don't really have to put these on at your age, but it will give you confidence about yourself."
"Well actually I find my confidence in Jesus!" (I say this very cheerfully and politely.)
(It was his turn to be surprised to say the least...) *Dead Silence for a moment* "In other words, you are cocky as heck."
My mother and I shake our heads in unison and sweetly say,"Noo..."
So yes, that was the dentist. He was pretty nice though. And he got some credit back for saying that my teeth were "delicate". But still, lol, I don't know how he ever wooed his wife.
All that said though, my teeth look SOO much better, and once the dentist finishes them, they'll look even better. So I'm pretty excited. And even more, I am very grateful that I do find my selfworth in Christ alone. =)
Caroline Ann
Here are before and after pictures. =)
aawwwwwww I have such a beeeaaaauuuuuutiful best friend!
aaawwwwwww I have such a bbbeeeaaauuuuuuutiful best friend!! :D
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